Our club wouldn’t work without the hard work and dedication put in by each and every one of our coaches. If you are interested in coaching (or being an assistant coach) for the upcoming season please e-mail info@nationallittleleague.org.
All coaches must have an up-to-date criminal record check done before the start of the season. Please follow the link below and use the National Little League access code:
Access Code: W4MCHXHYAH
Resources for Coaches
- Blank Pitch Count Sheets
- Is your scorekeeper running out of pitch count sheets? Just print this one…
- https://hamptonlittleleague.com/coaching-websites/
- A great roundup of online coaching resources, put together by our friends at Hampton Little League
- https://www.littleleague.org/coaches/
- The definitive coaching guide, from Little League International
- http://truckeelittleleague.com/Assets/190/TBall-Practice-Plans-and-Drills.pdf
- A useful tee-ball practice guide