BlastBall introduces the basic fundamentals of baseball (hitting, throwing, catching, running and fielding) and is aimed at young children. There are no complex rules, and no umpires – just fun! BlastBall is designed to put the fun back in to the game of baseball and to generate fast-paced action, enthusiasm and fun. Through its simplicity, BlastBall keeps young players involved in the game.
Who can play?
- 3 – 4 year olds
What is included?
- A hat and t-shirt style jersey that players get to keep!
- A team/individual photo
- Use of basic playing equipment (foam bats, hitting tee, “honking” base)
What is needed?
- A glove is recommended but not mandatory
- A batting helmet is recommended but not mandatory
Parent Expectations
- Parents are expected to participate on the field with their child
Team Schedule
- Blastball is held once per week on Sunday mornings
Basic Rules
- The rules of Blastball can be found here