2018 Winter Clinics

We will be running some FREE indoor skills clinics at Quadra Elementary (3031 Quadra Street at Finlayson) on the following Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

  • January 18
  • January 25
  • February 1
  • February 8

Any child aged 7-12 who lives or goes to school in the catchment area is welcome, beginners included!

Feel free to drop in any evening; there is no need to register in advance for this event. Please note, however, that we may turn children away if we feel that the gymnasium is too full.

You can register for the 2018 regular season in person at any of the clinics if you bring cash or your chequebook.

If you are interested in helping coach on one of these nights, please contact us in advance.

Little League Victoria for Ages 13 to 16

Does your young National superstar turn 13 this year? No problem!

In 2018, Little League will be available in Victoria for players age 13 to 16!

That’s right! BC Little League District 7, of which National Little League is a member, will be fielding some Intermediate, Junior, and Senior “Victoria Little League” teams for children up to 16 years old. We will be interlocking with teams from the lower mainland.

Now your child can continue to enjoy all the advantages of Little League (low registration fees, equal playing time, at least two practices and at least one game per week, and the chance to advance to the Provincial, Canadian, or World Championships) beyond age 12!

For more information, download the flyer (MS Word / PDF) or visit the BC District 7 site.

Play on!!

original text by Ryan Dalrymple © National Little League

Thanksgiving Sunday Pickup Game

We will be having an all-ages pickup game on Sunday October 8 from 2 pm to 4 pm. If you or your child is interested in playing, please show up a little early. We will set the teams and the rules depending on who shows up to play.

safe at home

If you are available to volunteer, please contact us before the game. We will be needing an experienced scorekeeper and maybe an announcer– applications from responsible children considered!

September Sunday Skills Clinics– Everyone Welcome!!!

National will be holding some Sunday afternoon baseball skills clinics at Jerry Hale Field (1280 Hillside Ave, Victoria) in September, after the start of the school year.

A team of coaches led by Coach Don will be running some drills that cover all the fundamental skills: batting, fielding, and pitching. Your young player is sure to pick up some useful tips from their decades of experience, and have some fun too!

The activities will be targeted at boys and girls 8 to 12 years old.

Sundays Sept 10, 17, 24, and October 1
2pm to 4pm

The clinics are absolutely FREE, regardless of whether you were registered to play in 2017 or not.

The only requirement is that your child live or go to school in the catchment area.

Beginners: come get a taste of baseball!

Beginners are welcome! No equipment is necessary, but if you have it, please bring a glove and a batting helmet and wear a jock or jill and appropriate clothing.

Returning/experienced players– keep your skills sharp in the off-season!

We are hoping that some new 2018 prospects will show up, so please invite your friends!

See you there!