Volunteers Needed for 2018 District Minors Tournament

National is excited to host the 9/10 district tournament June 30 – July 8. We are looking forward to seeing some great ball in our park and cheering on our own Minors tournament team!

To make this tournament a success, we will need LOTS of volunteers to help out with the following:

  • Park Representative (following a script before each game, answering questions and dealing with issues, general oversight
  • Concession (we will need two people to run the grill and two people to serve the counter at all times)
  • 50/50 Draw (no children in this role, please)
  • Field Prep (raking and spraying down the field as necessary, drawing fresh chalk lines before each game, covering the pitching mound after the final game each day)
  • Washroom / Garbage

Please seriously consider lending a hand. The more volunteers we get, the better this event will be!

It is also a bunch of fun and a chance to watch some GREAT baseball!

Please click on the link below to go to the signup site and sign up for a vacant time slot.

Sign up now!

2018 Closing Ceremonies

Come join us with birthday cake in celebration of National Little League’s 65th anniversary!

  • 10:00 am: Concession opens
  • 10:45 am: Teams gather in full uniform near playground to be called onto the field
  • 11:00 am: Closing ceremonies begin
  • 11:30 am: 65th Birthday cake cutting
  • 12:00 pm: Bouncy castles and batting cage open / AGM
  • 1:00 pm (or as soon as AGM is done): Majors vs. coaches/alumni fun game
  • 2:00 pm: Wrap up

We are in need of volunteers to help pass out birthday cake and supervise the bouncy castles. If you are able to help, please contact Allison Bottomley at allison@nationallittleleague.org.

2018 AGM / Call for new Board Members

We will be having our 2018 AGM on Sunday, June 24, 2018 at high noon in the visitor’s bleachers (or in the boardroom in the clubhouse if the weather is bad) at Jerry Hale Field, 1280 Hillside Avenue, Victoria.

All park parents and any other interested parties are encouraged to attend. We would particularly like to extend an invitation to those interested in serving on the board for 2018/19, as we will be electing the new board for 2019. If you have ideas, time and energy to contribute in the year ahead, we would love to see you there!

More Info about the Board