2020 Winter Clinics

National is offering winter skills clinics on Sunday afternoons from January 12 to March 8 at the Quadra Village Community Centre Gym (950 Kings Rd). The cost is just $60 and includes a T-shirt!

The purpose of the clinics is to prepare baseball players for spring season. We will be running individual and group baseball drills to build offensive and defensive skills.

The clinics are targeted at returning players age 7 to 12, but all children who live or go to school in our catchment area, including those new to baseball, are welcome.

This year we are offering two different sessions by skill level:

Group 1: Development – FULL: Email info@nationallittleleague.org to be put on waitlist

  • Approximate ages 7 – 11 
  • New and returning players 
  • Focus is on basic fundamentals
  • 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Group 2: Advanced

  • Approximate ages 9 – 12 
    Have played at least one season of baseball (new players may participate if assessed by a coach)
    Focus is on basic fundamentals and higher-level game play
  • 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

You can sign up for one of the groups online using the SportsEngine ID that you have been using to sign up for other National registrations.

Sign up online here:https://nationallittleleague.sportngin.com/register/form/189745074
Recover your SportsEngine ID here:https://sportngin.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/803435

Spaces are limited and we will close registration without notice if we fill up. Please hurry!

For more information, or to be included in planning the clinics, please email info@nationallittleleague.org.

2019 AGM

We welcome all community members to attend National Little League’s annual AGM on Thu Nov 21, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at our clubhouse (Cook/Hillside). We will be serving refreshments starting just after 6pm.

The main order of business will be electing a new Board of Directors.

If you have enjoyed your time at National and are looking to give back, if there’s something you’d like to see done differently, or if you’d simply like to help out, join us!

Run for one of our required or optional positions, or simply join as a member at large.

See you there!

South Victoria Capitals 2019/20 Season Begins

The South Victoria Capitals are thrilled to announce the start of the 2019/20 South Victoria Capitals Season for Junior and Senior (13 to 16) players in the Beacon Hill, Hampton and National catchments.

The club will once again be calling Royal Athletic Park home for both the Junior and Senior teams.

Players age 13 to 16 from the Beacon Hill, Hampton and National catchments are encouraged to participate in the Capitals Off-Season Skills Clinics (13 to 16):

  • Fridays 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm from September to December and January to the middle of March
  • Location: Monterey Middle School Gym
  • Cost: $100 for each session (Sep – Dec/Jan – Mar) or $150 for both sessions until March
  • To register for the clinics, send an email to southcapitalsbaseball@gmail.com. Please include your player’s first and last name in the subject line.

In addition, batting practice will be held every week at Hollywood Park on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (weather permitting).

For more information, please contact southcapitalsbaseball@gmail.com.