2018 Opening Ceremonies

Opening Ceremonies are on Sunday, April 15th. Please bring your player in uniform for the group photo. We’ve got hours of fun and something for everyone! There will be two games to watch, a fire truck is stopping by, our veteran coaches will be running the batting cage, and the concession will be open! See you there!

  • 9:30 am: The first Blastball game of the season!
  • 10:00 am: Concession opens!
  • 10:00 am to 10:45 am: Batting cage open for players age 8 and up
  • 10:30 am: Victoria Firefighters arrive. Kids can check out their truck!
  • 10:45 am: Players gather in full uniform in teams at the playground side of park. Teams will be called onto the field in order of oldest to youngest.
  • 11:00 am: Opening ceremonies begin!
  • 12:00 pm (or as soon as the ceremonies are done):
    • First game for the National Minors teams!
    • Batting cage re-opens for players age 8 and up.
  • 2:00 pm(ish): Concession closes at the end of the Minors game.

2018 Pre-Season Skills Assessments

We will be holding pre-season skills assessments as follows:

Indoors in the gymnasium at Quadra Elementary (3031 Quadra Street at Finlayson):

Outoors at Jerry Hale Field (Cook & Hillside):

If your young player is between the ages of 8 and 12, or if they are hoping to play up (e.g. 6-year-old hoping to play Mini Minors rather than Tee-ball), please bring them and a glove to at least one of the assessments. It’s critical that we know the current skill level of all children in order to place them on the team best suited to their abilities to ensure that everyone has a good time.

If you have not already done so, you may register in person for the 2018 regular season at the assessments.

Little League Victoria for Ages 13 to 16

Does your young National superstar turn 13 this year? No problem!

In 2018, Little League will be available in Victoria for players age 13 to 16!

That’s right! BC Little League District 7, of which National Little League is a member, will be fielding some Intermediate, Junior, and Senior “Victoria Little League” teams for children up to 16 years old. We will be interlocking with teams from the lower mainland.

Now your child can continue to enjoy all the advantages of Little League (low registration fees, equal playing time, at least two practices and at least one game per week, and the chance to advance to the Provincial, Canadian, or World Championships) beyond age 12!

For more information, download the flyer (MS Word / PDF) or visit the BC District 7 site.

Play on!!

original text by Ryan Dalrymple © National Little League

Thanksgiving Sunday Pickup Game

We will be having an all-ages pickup game on Sunday October 8 from 2 pm to 4 pm. If you or your child is interested in playing, please show up a little early. We will set the teams and the rules depending on who shows up to play.

safe at home

If you are available to volunteer, please contact us before the game. We will be needing an experienced scorekeeper and maybe an announcer– applications from responsible children considered!