Executive Board

About the Board

National Little League’s Executive Board meets once a month, in the boardroom of the park’s Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome. Please keep an eye on our Event Calendar for the next meeting.

2024/25 Board Members

President: Megan Mathews
Vice President: Larry Beatty
Treasurer: Larry Beatty
Player Agent: Don Moore
Umpire-in-Chief: Logan Ngo
Junior Division Coordinator: Becs Black
Secretary: Andrea McMorran
Safety Officer:
Brian Cade
Concession Managers: Vacant
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant
Sponsorship/Fundraising: Ben Kolisnyk & Leah Mack
Registrar: Megan Mathews
Scheduler: Larry Beatty
Equipment/Field Liaison: Ian Anderson
Building Maintenance Liaison: Vacant
Uniforms: Justin Howard
Website/Social Media: Jimmy McLean
Coach Coordinator: Don Moore


Megen Galloway (Former President)
Barb Hudlin
Mike Simister

Board Position Descriptions

According to our bylaws, some of these positions are required, while others are optional.

Our fearless leader! Responsible for general oversight of National Little League operations, and the park’s official representative at the District and Little League level.
Vice President
The second in command! The VP steps in for the President as required and assists in the general operations of the park as required, including supporting good governance and committee work.
Keeps track of the meetings, members and directors in support of National Little League’s governance and operations.
The money person! The treasurer should have knowledge of sound financial practices and policies, and has responsiblity for tracking and reporting the club’s financial status.
Player Agent
Always wished you could be a scout for the big leagues? This is the next best thing! Work with the coaches and board officials to keep track of player selection, team balancing and eligibility.
Oversees the junior and senior umpire programs, including scheduling and ensuring appropriate training and protocols are observed.
Safety Officer
Keeping our kids safe is everyone’s responsibility, but especially the Safety Officer’s. This is an important role, ensuring that policies, process, supplies and equipment are in place to protect the safety of our players and our park free from bullying and abuse.
Scheduling Coordinator
Sets and manages team schedules for the National Little League fields and interlocking games.
Good with data entry and attention to detail? The Registrar manages the registration process for the regular season, clinics and off-season ball. Making sure
all 200+ kids get to play all the ball they want, all year round!
Coaching Coordinator
An experienced coach looking to share your wisdom and
knowledge? The Coaching Coordinator represents the coaches and managers, and develops and implements training and development opportunities for coaches at all levels of play.
Concession Manager
Good with people and ready to add important revenue and
community-building to the park? The concession manager manages all concession operations, including food ordering and equipment, hires concession staff, and provides training and resources for volunteers.
Sponsorship / Fundraising Manager
Community sponsorship is important for our bottom line and our community impact. Work to develop and maintain community sponsorship relationships and new fundraising opportunities.
Volunteer Coordinator
Many hands make light work, and the Volunteer
Coordinator makes sure all those hands know exactly what they’re doing. A central resource for all the volunteers that make our park run.
Equipment Manager
Buying new bats and other gear, keeping the pitching machines running, and organizing the team bags is what this position involves.
If you have even the most basic WordPress experience and are able (or can learn) to create and update posts and events from time to time as requested by the President, you’ve got this!
Social Media Contributor
Help with any or all of our FB, Twitter, and Instagram channels.